Educated wife can explain contraceptive methods to husband, Nitish Kumar’s ‘description’ yesterday, apology today

Educated wife can explain contraceptive methods to husband, Nitish Kumar’s ‘description’ yesterday, apology today
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On Tuesday, November 7, 2023, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar made a statement that was widely criticized as sexist and insensitive. Addressing the Bihar Legislative Assembly, Kumar said that educated wives are more likely to use contraceptive methods than uneducated wives. He also said that educated wives are more likely to be able to explain contraceptive methods to their husbands.

Kumar’s comments were met with immediate backlash from women’s groups and politicians, who accused him of perpetuating harmful stereotypes about women. They argued that Kumar’s comments were offensive to both educated and uneducated women.

On Wednesday, November 8, 2023, Kumar apologized for his comments. He said that he had not meant to offend anyone and that he had been misunderstood. He said that he had been speaking about the importance of education for women, but that he had not meant to imply that educated women are somehow superior to uneducated women.

Kumar’s apology was welcomed by some, but others said that it was not enough. They argued that Kumar’s comments had been harmful and that he needed to do more to address the issue of gender discrimination in Bihar.

Kumar’s statement and subsequent apology highlight the ongoing debate about women’s education and empowerment in India. While there has been significant progress in recent years, there is still much work to be done to ensure that women have equal opportunities in all aspects of life.

Here are some additional details about Kumar’s statement:

  • Kumar made the statement in response to a question about the state’s population control efforts.
  • Kumar said that he believes that education is key to reducing the number of children born in a family.
  • Kumar said that educated women are more likely to be aware of the benefits of contraception and to have the confidence to discuss it with their husbands.

Kumar’s statement was widely criticized as being sexist and insensitive. Critics argued that Kumar’s comments were offensive to both educated and uneducated women. They also argued that Kumar’s comments perpetuated harmful stereotypes about women.

Kumar’s apology was welcomed by some, but others said that it was not enough. They argued that Kumar’s comments had been harmful and that he needed to do more to address the issue of gender discrimination in Bihar.

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